Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS)

LTSS Service Coordination

Keystone First Community HealthChoices facilitates and coordinates Participants eligible for LTSS access to all necessary covered services and Medicare, Behavioral Health, and other services.

Service Coordinator Role

Service Coordinators identify, coordinate, and assist eligible Participants to gain access to services such as:

  • Needed LTSS services and State Plan services. 
  • Non-Medicaid funded medical.
  • Social.
  • Housing.
  • Educational.
  • Other services and supports.

Contacting Service Coordinators


Each eligible Participant will have their Service Coordinator’s contact information, including direct phone number and e-mail address.  Additionally a Participant may call Participants Services at 1-855-332-0729 for assistance.


You will receive the Participant’s Service Coordinator contact information for your Keystone First CHC patients through the Person-Centered Service Plan (PCSP). Or, you may call may call Provider Services at 1-800-521-6007 for assistance.

Person Centered Planning Team

A Person-Centered Planning Team (PCPT) is a team of individuals identified by the Participant to participate in the Person-Centered Service Planning (PCSP) process. PCPTs can consist of providers, Service Coordinators, and Providers are vital PCPT participants with valuable input to ensure that the Participant successfully meets their goals.

Service Coordinator’s facilitate the process, schedule the PCPT meetings, document the process, and update the PCSP as needed.

PCPT participants understand the goals that are important to the Participant and support those goals.

  • PCPT will convene:
    • During the initial assessment as part of PCSP.
    • Before a potential change in condition.
    • After a trigger event.
    • Annually.
    • Upon request by the Participant or their Representative.